Seek and Serve
Books that have moved me
The Seven Story Mountain - by Thomas Merton - this book changed my faith life in a very profound way. Deep read.
The 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson - not for everyone but love his principles.
The Alchemist - Paolo Coelho - or any other book he wrote - one of my favorite authors.
Ikigai - The Japanese Secret to a long and Happy life - Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles - learn how to find your sweet spot!
The Monastic Heart - Joan Chittister - a beautifully written book on how to live simply.
Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey - amazing personal journal and stories.
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
Story of a Soul - Therese of Lisieux - such a faith filled wonder.
Interior Castle - Teresa of Avila - many levels but worth pushing thru it.
No Greater Love- Mother Teresa - an example of pure love.