Seek and Serve
The Gospel
According to John
“The Disciple Jesus Loved”
The Gospel of John Bible Study - WEEK 1
Meeting Times/Location
Tuesdays – ZOOM – 7pm
Wednesdays - Swann Cove Clubhouse – 9am
Sept. 18 – 9am-10am -Introduction at Clubhouse
Sept 24th/25th - Chapter 1-4
Oct 1st/2nd – Chapters 5-9
Oct 8th/9th – Chapters – 10-14
Oct 15th/16th – Chapters -15-18
Oct 22nd/23rd - Chapters 19-23
Oct 29th/30th – Chapter 24 – 26 Conclusion
General Rules
Try to have readings done prior to meeting but if not please come anyway.
Respect others by allowing everyone to join in discussion.
Do not share what is said outside of group meetings.
Be respectful of others opinions, we are not all at the same point of our spiritual journey.
While commitment to every week is not necessary, try to make as many as possible as it helps with group dynamics and growth.
Be sure to take this time to deepen your faith and get closer to Christ.
John’s Mission Statement – “We will get to know the heart of Jesus. We will answer his call to “follow me”. He says he wrote the book so that “you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah and that by believing in Him, you may have life in His name”. John 20:31
Facts about the Apostle John**
Son of Zebedee and Salome (believed to be Mary’s sister
Younger brother of James
Jesus referred to Brothers as “Sons of Thunder”
Youngest disciple and lived longest dying of natural causes
Calls himself “disciple whom Jesus loved”
One of the closest to Jesus, in the inner circle
Sat next to Jesus at Last Supper and leaned on His chest.
Is at the cross when Jesus gives Mary to him
Runs to the tomb with Peter
Gives eyewitness account
Wrote after Mathew/Mark/Luke-assumes you know details
Sheds brightest light on Jesus and His cross
Gives us the “spirit” of Jesus
Sees Jesus thru loving eyes that are tender filled
Is a poet
Did not record events of Jesus’ life more concerned with significance of Christ’s coming and of his ministry.
Makes deep connections between old and new covenants.
He devoted his writing to that which had not been told
He wrote 3 Epistles of John and Book of Revelation
** there is hot debate whether the apostle John wrote the Gospel. We are working under belief he did.
In Synoptic (Luke, Mark, Mathew) but not Book of John’
Birth of Christ
Sermon on the Mount
Casting out demons
Healing Lepers
Lord’s Supper
Agony in Garden
What is found in Book of John
Jesus As
Lamb of God
The great “I AM”
Turning water to wine
Meeting with Nicodemus
Encounter with woman at the well
Encounter with adulterous woman
Raising of Lazurus
Washing disciples’ feet
Upper Room discourse
Teaching of Holy Spirit
Priestly prayer
John’s emphasis includes
Ministry in Jerusalem/Judea not Galilee
More precise indications of time
Christ’s teaching not in parables
Emphasis on King vs. Kingdom of God
Jesus’ private conversations (Nicodemus/woman well)
Ministry to his disciples
Upper Room teachings
Last 24 hours of his life
Belief vs Unbelief
My Father occurs 35x
Use of old testament is less
John uses signs which attest to His duty and that He is Messiah
Turning water into wine
Healing invalid at pool
Feeding 5,000
Walking on water
Healing blind man
Raising the dead
7 “I AM”
The bread of life
Light of the world
Door for the sheep
The good shepherd
Resurrection and life
Way, truth and life
True vine
Leader – Elaine Coupe
I am a seeker, Catholic and love Jesus Christ. I have been teaching small groups for 17 years and helping others to not only question but seek answers. I believe in the process and the journey. I believe in questioning. I believe in dong it together as your experiences help me to build mine. I will be seeking just like you in these next 5 weeks and do not lead by giving you answers but rather by joining you in your questions. If its answers you are looking for, I don’t have them. But, we can find them out together.
I look forward to walking this part of your spiritual journey with you .
In Christ, Elaine
Contact Info – 908 472-6096
email - wearecalled2@gmail.com