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It's a new dawn, it's a new day, and I'm feeling fine....

Oh boy. Out with 2023 and bring it on 2024! I always start the new year with such hope and such desire to get it right. To clean out those closets, to find the perfect diet, to walk more and to just be a better person. I usually last a few weeks before that humanity in me kicks in and I am depressed that I didn't live up to my own expectations. So this year, let's try something different. Let us wake up each day and first start with what we are thankful for. Yep, that includes loved ones, roof over head, food to eat and feeling loved. Then, let's pray. Connect with the divine within and surrender to whatever is going to come your way that day. Accept it. Embrace it. Good and bad. And then I am going to tackle my day. And at the end, I might have been productive, loving, healthy, or I might not have BUT I will know that I did my best and leaned into what was in my path. We only have today. Take it as it comes minute by minute. Start there and who knows....maybe, just maybe, you might get that closet cleaned!

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